8-legged Octopus Soft Plush Squeak Dog Barking Chew Toy Toy Suitable for Small and Medium-sized Dogs Pet Supplies
所属店铺:jiwemhsha WISHID:63370bf5457500ae7390b597 WISH售价:$(1.00+1.00) 日均销量:0 总评论: 卖家标价:$(1.00+1.00) 吊牌价-MSRP:$0 总销量:100+ 产品评分: 分总销售额: 7日日均评论增幅: 15日日均评论数: 上架时间:2022-09-30
- 所属行业
- Pet Toys(宠物玩具)
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- 产品描述
Material: Plush
Feature:Cleans the teeth,Resistant to bite, Appearance is beautiful
❤Made of safe and high-quality plush, the thick fabric with firm stitches makes these toys more durable for dogs to chew and play
❤Toys are very suitable for cleaning teeth. You can also clean your pet's teeth naturally to help maintain dental hygiene. You no longer have to worry about teeth grinding problems in dogs.
❤This stuffed dog toy has a scream on the head, which will immediately attract your dog’s attention. It is an excellent toy for your dog to interact with, reducing the dog’s anxiety and boredom