Portable Travel Toothpaste Toothbrush Holder Cap Case Household Storage Cup Outdoor Holder Bathroom Accessories
所属店铺:TSAGR WISHID:63415b361899fb1d6739e62a WISH售价:$(0.00+0.00) 日均销量:0 总评论: 卖家标价:$(1.00+1.00) 吊牌价-MSRP:$0 总销量:100+ 产品评分: 分总销售额: 7日日均评论增幅: 15日日均评论数: 上架时间:2022-10-11
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- Storage(储物装置)
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- 产品描述
Ideal for keeping toothbrushes hygiene and clean.
Item type: toothbrush holder
Material: plastic
Color(body+cover): green+yellow, dark blue+light blue,Transparent colorand rose red
Size: 19.5*6cm/7.68”*2.36”(L*D)
Suitable for: toothbrush and toothpaste
Package includes: 1 x toothbrush holder(without toothbrush and toothpaste)
Random Color
[<2018-01-10 12:09:48.735 FJ9HBTMM7R>]