


  • 1PC/2Pcs 2 In 1 Pets Clicker Whistle Dog Trainer Clicker with Keyring Pet Puppy Trainer Dog Flute & Clicker Stoengo Pet Supplies

    所属店铺:zhangchunfeng66 WISHID:62a9bdee9226c278176550c5
    WISH售价:$(15.00+9.00) 日均销量:0 总评论:17
    卖家标价:$(1.00+1.00) 吊牌价-MSRP:$0 总销量:100+ 产品评分:4.35
    总销售额: 7日日均评论增幅: 15日日均评论数: 上架时间:2022-07-13
  • 所属行业
  • WISH标签
  • pettrainingclickertrainerKey ChainGiftsPetstrainingdogringDogswhistleclickerPet Suppliespuppy
  • 产品描述
  • Can be used to train the dog basic obedience, small trick, and correct the bad behavior; Scientific method of training your pet safely and easily.
    Not only train the dog but also the cat, bird, chicken, sheep and even mouse. Must-have training tool for sound-sensitive pets.
    Well constructed and durable, metal clicker will not rust or break.
    This lightweight, compact Stonego whistle is ideal for dog training, both indoors and out.
    Can be heard by humans (but frequencies will be out of human hearing range).
    Product Category: Trainer
    material: plastic
    Specifications: 7.5cm
    Category: Pet Training
    Colors: Black, Red, Green, Blue
    Function; Whistle+Clicker
    packaging included: 1 Pc or 2 Pcs 2 in 1 Pet Training Whistle
  • 产品图片